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Counting Bears
Our fees & funding are completely transparent with no hidden costs so as a parent you can budget and be assured you won`t get a nasty shock on your invoice.

Half Day Sessions 
Morning - 8:00am-12noon £32 plus meals
Afternoon - 1:00pm-6:00pm £40 plus meals

Full Day Sessions £80 plus meals

We want meals to be affordable and ensure your little one is getting a healthy hot meal with us.
£1 for Breakfast 
£1 for Lunch
£1 for Tea
Snacks are included. Babies will not be charged for meals but formula will need to be provided.

We accept 15/30 hours FEL funding - this will be stretched across the 48 weeks we are open and you are able to add additional hours each week for a cost of £8 an hour. 

Parents will not be charged for any pre-arranged weeks or days the
pre-school is shut due to bank holidays or training.

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